Looking for your best parking options on campus? Here is some basic City of Ann Arbor and campus parking information, to help you decide.
Parking Rates
In general, you can expect to pay $2.20/hr for metered parking and $1.80/hr for up to three hours parking in a structure ($2.00 +3 hours).
A list of rates for every structure is available on the Downtown Development Authority website. For a list of rates for on-campus structures, check out the Visitor Parking link on the U-M Logistics, Transportation & Parking website.
Free Parking
On Central Campus and around downtown Ann Arbor, free parking is available during these times:
All Federal Holidays: Monday-Saturday after 6:00pm
: Sunday all day
Paid Parking & Violations
Most university parking involves permits, which provide access to color-coded lots and structures. Permits are issued by U-M Logistics, Transportation & Parking (a unit within Facilities & Operations). There are differentiations between student and staff parking. Student options include Student After Hours, Student Orange (for juniors, seniors, and graduate students), and Student Storage (for those who bring cars to campus, but who do not need to use them often).
If you would like to speak to the Parking Office regarding your options or to purchase a permit, contact Parking Customer Services: 734-764-8291 (523 S Division). This includes arranging for visitors or large events.
Street parking is monitored by the City of Ann Arbor. Violations are issued if a car is parked illegally or if time has expired on a meter. All violations and payment options are handled by the city. Tickets can be paid online, by phone, by mail, and by drop-box.
A word to the wise - violations become costly and they add up. The fine for parking at an expired meter is $15 if paid by the end of the next day, $25 if paid within 14 days, and $70 after 30 days.
Disability Parking Information