Victor Views on Michigan-Made Apps: MDex

MDex logo, blue on white lettering.

Here’s a review of the MDex mobile app, created by U-M students Charles Zhong, Julius Studhec, and Pranav Thotakura, and launched in August 2023 (Michigan News, January 17, 2024). 

The goal of the app was to engage students with the school and local community by gathering information about free events, resources, and deals around Michigan. Not only does the app notify you about specials around campus, you can also submit a post to MDex for other users. On the app, you can find a forecast for the week’s specials and freebies, as well as trending events. 

On the feed, you can filter based on the types of free resources and locations. There is also an option to save posts, as well as a notification feature for when new events are posted. The cool thing about this notification feature is that you can filter your notifications to only hear about events that interest you! 

Pranav Thotakura, one of the original developers, highlights that MDex is excited to show users what they have in store for fall 2024 and are ready to serve the Michigan community on a higher level, with new features and enhancements. They plans this relaunch for mid August. 

Don't miss out--download MDex now!