Detroit Metropolitan International Airport (DTW) is approxinately 25 miles from Ann Arbor, which is generally a 45-minute drive under standard driving conditions. Current travel guidelines suggest arriving at least 2 hours before your flight! Major hubs are Delta, Spirit, and US Air.
Michigan Flyer
The Michigan Flyer fleet is one way to get to and from DTW. Prepaid fare is $15 one way/$25 round trip. Tickets purchased at the coach are $18. For questions, call 517-333-0400.
The cheapest way to travel back and forth from the airport is the Central Student Government (CSG) AirBus, with pick-up at three AirBus campus locations. Please note that this shuttle only runs prior fall, Thanksgiving, winter, and spring U-M school breaks. AirBus to the DTW Airport charges students with a Mcard. For details regarding this service, please visit the website.
Additional Options The Ann Arbor Convention Visitor's Bureau maintains a listing of airport shuttle options.
No endorsement or recommendation of any of the above companies is implied. They are provided merely as an information resource.